Fawori Dowels

Used to fix the Fawori Thermal Insulation Plates onto the surfaces in Fawori Thermal Insulation Systems and to protect the system against wind vacuum.

Make holes in accordance with the diameter of the dowel with a drill. Place the dowel inside the hole in a way that it is adjacent to the insulation plate and drive a plastic or steel nail depending on the surface type.

On average, 6 dowels are used per m² provided that one dowel is placed at each corner joint of the thermal insulation plate and two in the center.

Fawori Standard Dowel (With Plastic Nail)
Used in concrete, solid bricks, perforated bricks, gas concrete, and solid and perforated blocks made of light concrete.

Fawori Concrete Dowel (With Steel Nail)
Used in concrete, exposed concrete, tunnel concrete, solid bricks, and solid and perforated blocks made of light concrete.

Fawori Stonewool Dowel (With Steel Nail)
Provides perfect grip by expanding the pressure area with its 9 cm wide head diameter in external thermal insulation systems and rockwool plate applications. Used in concrete, solid bricks, perforated bricks, gas concrete, and solid and perforated blocks made of light concrete.

Fawori Stonewool Dowel Stamp
Can be used with all dowels in thermal insulation plate applications, in exterior thermal insulation systems. Provides excellent grip by extending compression area of the dowels.


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