What is color wheel?
Color wheel is a circular shape that is divided into 12 equal sections with areas representing different colors based on the pigment value helping us to analyze the colors.
Colors are divided into 3 groups as primary, intermediate and contrast colors.
1- Primary colors: These are red, yellow and blue on the color wheel, which cannot be obtained by mixing. They are generally used with another primary color or alone, or with the light shades of other primary colors in decoration.
2- Intermediate colors: These are the colors obtained by mixing the primary colors. Purple is obtained by mixing red and blue, green is obtained by mixing yellow and blue, and orange is obtained by mixing red and yellow. Just like other colors, they offer a rich range in decoration by being used with the shades of each other.
3- Contrast colors: These are the colors that correspond to each other (complementary colors) in the color wheel. Since contrast colors reinforce each other's impact when they are used together, they offer the highest contrast effect by their vivid and glossy look. Contrast color groups of red-green, yellow-purple, blue-orange also have a fascinating complementary effect. Thus they are also named as complementary colors.
* How to choose color before the paintwork?
Imagine how boring life will be if everything around you was in shades of gray. Even though we cannot touch the unique color of nature, we can use colors to reflect our personality. The colors of the flowers that we plant in our garden, the colors of the clothes that we wear and the colors of the walls in our homes; all reflect our personality.
When you begin to add color to your home, first look at all the colors around you. If you think you are living in a colorless environment, don't just think about the large surfaces. See the small details like accessories, tables, chairs and thus notice the emerging rainbow.