Optimix Thermal Insulation Plaster Mortaris a cement-based plaster mortar that is used in applying a white coat on thermal and sound insulation materials like polystyrene-based and rock wool plates in interior and exterior surfaces to increase the strength of the surface with mesh application.
Specifications » Strong adhesion to polystyrene-based and rock wool plates.
» Ideal impact resistance and adhesion performance thanks to optimum polymer rate.
» Absorbs the tensions and vibrations resulting from temperature differences and thus minimizes the risk of cracking thanks to the additives in its formula.
» Water repellent.
» High water vapor permeability.
Color Gray
Consumption On polystyrene plate: 4.0 - 4.5 kg/m²
On stone wool plate: 5.5 - 6.5 kg/m²
Please note that specified consumption values may vary to the surface and application conditions. Perform a controlled sample run to estimate the precise consumption.
Package 25 kg craft bag
Storage It can be stored for 12 months in its unopened package, dry and protected from moisture.
Warning StatementDanger
Conforms to the G communique. Produced in line with
TS 13687/2016.